Tagged: Slideshow

Post #8- Jux- Simply the best showcase for you

Are you familiar with Jux?  Jux is a publishing blogging platform.  Like other platforms, Jux allows users to maximize their space with still photos, slide shows, movies, and narrative. Among other things,  what sets this site apart from others is the aesthetic of the site.

Why I like Jux:

There are enough options to personalize and start from a blank slate, but not so many that it is overwhelming.

-There are 7 different unique types including blockquote, article, photo, video, slide show, coutdown, and street view.

The appearance is artistic, original and flavorful.

Jux inspires creativity.

-Within each type there are options to further personalize your content

Jux is intriguing to the eyes and brings stories to life.

Jux is an integrated experience. Once you are in the platform you are drawn in and feel like you are a part of something.

Jux can be used for personal use or professional use.

-Some examples of personal Jux blogs are  30 days on Jux, honeyhive, Lego

-Professional Jux blogs are out there too- Here is a fantastic example of Jux for Business use at Deer Valley Real Estate

What you should know:

Jux takes time to learn. The best way to go about Jux is to explore and try things.  There are some information out there on sights such as appstorm, jux website, and pcmag. Jux is laid out in an artistic form which can be organized to your liking. Jux is a great platform try it out!