Tagged: android

Extra Credit: Take a swing on the “Vine”


ImageVine is the newest addition to your social media toolbox. This is  Twitter’s recent release. Vine works similar to instagram.  However, there is one significant difference. Instead of uploading pictures, six second looping videos can be uploaded. With this time limit, users are challenged to be creative and to the point, using this app for more than just fun. Vine can be used as a vital marketing tool.

The app is user friendly and account settings  are simple. Videos are easy to create and record with the press of the screen, which allows users to upload solid six second videos or stop motion style videos.

This application can be compared to the “cinemagram” app.  The major differences between the two are that Vine includes sound and the time limit is two seconds longer in length.

At this time, Vine only works with Apple devices and can be posted using Twitter and Facebook. With all the excitement around this new app, many are saying that it would be wise for Android to move fast before the hype fizzles.

Have you used Vine on your device? What do you use it for? How do you like Vine compared to cinemagram?  Do you have an Android device and want to try this app? What do you think about Apple always getting the first trials for apps?